The Consulting Society presents...
BCG CIRCLES : Mentoring Program Are you an aspiring woman with a strong interest in consulting and studying at a Swiss university? If that sounds like you, join BCG Circles, our 6-month career mentoring program. The program aims at building and expanding the foundation of your career. We will meet once a month (virtual or in person) and discuss a variety of topics, such as exclusive insights into the work of consultants and BCG, skill workshops and a case study practice session. The program also includes one-to-one career mentoring conversations that are fully based on your needs, questions and future interests. Each individual Circle consists of up to 8 co-mentees and will be guided by two seasoned BCG consultants. This is a unique opportunity to boost your career and build a network with other passionate women. Seize the chance to gain unique insight into BCG’s work and culture by joining our BCG Circles mentoring program! Based on recommendations by the BAG and internal guidelines, the program consists of a mix of virtual and in-person meetings with the option to always participate virtually should you have safety concerns. The following dates and topics have been picked so far (please note that they are subject to change if necessary):
Apply by September 27th, 2020 if you are currently enrolled at a Swiss university (Bachelor, Master or PHD) and in your third semester or beyond with a C.V. cover letter and university grades here. Comments are closed.
April 2024